A couple weeks ago, actually the 1st Sunday of the year, my pastor gave an awesome sermon on 2011 being a "prime year" & making this the time to not miss our "Kairos" - or "God-appointed" - moments. "Kairos" is one of 2 Greek words used in the Bible for "time" & it "is a pivotal point in a person’s life where profound and significant things are divinely destined to occur."
One of my "Kairos" moments happened a little over a year ago when I felt I was lead to my new church. I had recently left the church that I was a member of for almost 4 years & was desperately seeking to grow closer in my relationship with God. Before I was so focused on the religious aspects of Christianity & doing the right things, that I forgot to "crave" that relationship with Jesus. My "cup" was becoming clean on the outside, but the inside was still a dirty mess.
After I started attending my new church for awhile, I KNEW deep down that this was where God wanted me to be, at this particular time & I thank HIM everyday that He has me right where He wants me. :)
Well, I'm hoping, believing & praying, that I am in the process of my next "Kairos" moment.
I recently signed up for the Made to Crave Online Study hosted by Melissa Taylor.
The book is by Lysa Terkheurst & she is currently hosting live webcasts on Monday nights. The first one was last week, but you can check out the website - Made to Crave - for more information. I'm really excited about reading this book & following the online study.
If you haven't heard about the book yet, it's about "the missing link between a woman’s desire to be healthy and the spiritual empowerment necessary to make that happen." (http://madetocrave.org/about/) Most importantly, it's about "craving God" more than we "crave food".
I'm still growing in my relationship with God & I have been "craving" more of Him lately. I heard Lysa say that people have used her book for the other things we "crave" more than God, not just food. So, that is why I'm looking forward to this journey.
For me, this journey will not only be about learning healthy eating habits, but I'm also hoping to use it as a guide to help me ONCE & FOR ALL quit smoking. I've tried quitting twice before to only start back up again. So, I'm hoping to use this book & it's principals to not only learn better eating habits, but I'm also BELIEVING & TRUSTING in this journey to help me KICK THE HABIT for good. Plus, I believe both of these areas go hand in hand. A lot of people turn to food or gain weight while they are quitting/or after they have quit. So, I don't want to be the next person who ends one bad habit, only to start another one.
Each Sunday the assignment is posted for the week. So, I'm hoping - as I follow along this study - to update my blog at least once a week to keep myself ACCOUNTABLE. There are discussion questions at the end of each chapter & I'm planning on keeping an offline journal to take notes. I want to use this blog, as well as the Made to Crave community on Facebook, to share what I'm learning each week.
On a closing note, I really enjoyed my Pastor's sermon this morning. He talked about the man who was healed by the pool at Bethesda in John 5. In verse 8, Jesus commanded him to rise, take up his bed & walk. And because of his obedience, the man was made well & got up.
I like what my Pastor said, "If we can do the possible, God can do the impossible." The key is that we have to be obedient. We can't expect to change & not put in any effort. So, I'm believing that during those times when I feel like I'm struggling or unable to continue in my own strength, God will intervine & give me the strength to do what is beyond my ability. :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. And, please feel free to leave me a comment or even a word of encouragement. :)
Good for you! I will check out Made to Crave :D
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I hope you will keep writing because your writing is wonderful! Most of my devotions, publications, and speaking messages began as blog posts. God will use your journey to bless others. Thank you so much for sharing.