I wanted to let you know though that I started another blog - in my minds eye, I can see your jaws drop thinking, "why another blog when she doesn't even update this one?". Well, I'll tell you why. Right now, I'm going through an important period of my spiritual journey & I want to be able to document it.
Why online & not just in a personal journal? Well, mainly because I'm not really keeping a seperate journal for that area of my life right now. And, also because I just finished a 6 week bible study & have started another one. I want to, not only share what I've been learning through these studies, as well as my own devotional time, but I also want to use it as a way of keeping myself accountable.
I'm gonna be honest, it's hard when you're single & live by yourself. Sure, you have free reign to do what you want & go where you want, but it can also get you into trouble. Especially with a broken-down Jesus girl, such as myself. I don't have anyone physically present to keep me accountable for my actions. So, it's really easy to slip & not pray, study or even pick up my bible like I should.
It's also the same with exercising & dieting. I wrote in a previous post that I had a exercise plan that I wanted to do. I actually was doing it for a while, but then I stopped. And, since I didn't post anything to my blog about it, nor did I tell anyone who did read my post, no one knew what happened to give me any kind of words of encouragement.
The other reason I decided to create a seperate blog is because I want to keep all those types of posts in one area & not confuse those with my regular 'every day' posts. It makes it easier to find and I also think it keeps the blog more organized that way.
So, with all that being said, here is the link - A Former Wallflower Learns to Dance. I just started it, so I don't have any posts right now. But I do have a static page up that explains how I came up with the title of the blog. I'm getting ready to work on typing out my testimony from the past year & will let you know when that is up. I will be posting that on my new blog, as well as, my website.
Well that is all for now. It's getting late & I need to be going to bed soon. It's been a long week & I'm just grateful tomorrow is Friday. :)
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